Friday, March 20, 2009

I have nothing to say about anything right now...

... and that's just not okay, so I figured I would start typing and maybe something would come to me. I guess I can do updates on what I did for spring break to start out.

Week one:

- Saw Watchmen twice decided not to see it another like 3 times (speaking of which tales of the black freighter commercial just came on and I can't wait).

- Saw Taken, Liam Neeson kicking ass left and right, France is apparently more dangerous than we knew.

- Bought Gunslinger Girl season 1 DVD, Genshiken volume 1 DVD, and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei vol. 1 manga (I know, I know, but I had nothing better to spend my Hastings gift card on)

- Hung out with Nathan, Brandon, and myself all week

- A whole lot of nothing mostly

Week two:

- Brandon was over sunday and monday since we were planning to leave for Elkmont monday morning but slept in like usual so had to leave tuesday

- We got lost on the way up

- My chair broke... twice

- Realised that even though more than half our food was canned, we had forgotten the can opener

- Had no pillow or blanket, sleeping sucked, got a grand total of 12 hours in two nights and three days

- Cold, Cold, and more Cold with a capital C

- Various cuts and bruises

- Fires that will not start no matter what you do to them

- Matt, Chris, and David drove up to meet us (I won't mention the marijuana from this point on as I feel that it doesn't matter) and hang out, apparently their definiton of that idiom differs dramtically from mine

- We drove to Gatlinburg after a few hours to get some fudge, which we ended up with two pounds of, and then went our separate ways (home)

- Got back and was invited out for Mexican food with the family, saw Mario urbena (no idea how to spell the poor guy's name so I just spelled it like it sounded) out with an anonymous girl (go get em' tiger) and Mrs. Webber from student affairs with a man who looked quite a bit like her son Tyler so I'll assume it was her husband or at least his father

- Got home and immediately went to sleep and have been asleep all day today, even when I was awake

So, that was my week, I usually want to get back to school after a long break, but not this time.

In almost completely unrelated news, The Princess Bride is on TV (*pfft* Humperdink). I've seen it before, but I seem to like it more every time I see it. Someone needs to show this movie to all the emos that flock around Tim Burton, I think they would enjoy it and maybe stop loving Burton so damn much. So you know, there are a few things I have an irrational hate for, I'm going to list them for posterity: 

- Tim Burton

- Neil Patrick Harris

- Musicals (a few exclusions)

- People who hate things in a certain category (examples are like: I hate metal, I hate rap, I hate anime, I hate video games) and, unlike the others, I feel that this one is not irrational

I watched Zero Punctuation earlier, and I he said that he refused to use the word "blog" because it "sounds like something that lives at the bottom of a lake and communicates in farts" and while I'm not going to stop saying it, I feel like that hilarious thought needs to be repeated. 

A commercial for just came on featuring Seth McFarlane... who the fuck are these people and why do they have enough money to have streaming episodes of these shows?! I've used Hulu before, and was indifferent to it, but crispy crackers they're getting prestigious.

Let's see... what else is in the news...

nah, I'm just kidding, I won't start my awful standup act here.

I guess that's it then, I'm proud of myself for keeping the anime references to a minimum because thats usually what my mind drifts to when I have nothing else to talk about.

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