Saturday, May 23, 2009
O Jeez, The Wreckage
Monday, May 18, 2009
I recently decided that I wanted to marathon all the Modest Mouse music I've got (all of it excluding two EPs the contents of which were realeased on other albums). This was awesome, it resulted in me hearing whole new meanings to songs, and made me feel... well, worn out frankly. Please understand, their Discography is 9 hours 41 minutes and 49 seconds long. That being said, it took me 3 days of on and off listening to finish. The rules I set for myself were pretty simple (music has to be on when using the computer, if that music is from my player, it has to be MM). I took a full hour's break to watch My Morning Jacket on Austin City Limits, which was awesome.
NOW, onto future stuff. I have realised that marathoning my music is something fun that I can do to pass the time when I'm in an indecisive mood, and with that in mind, I've embarked on a Sonic Youth-A-Thon. This will take a bit longer as their music adds up to 11 hours 21 minutes and 53 seconds. So, yeah, I just felt like making a post about this project because, for me even more than most people, listening to one band's discography is really difficult.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
A Big Update
I didn't go to school. I thought I was sick, but it turns out it was just allergies. I blame all the tree-sex. Later on that afternoon, I'd say around five-ish, I went over to Brandon's to pick him up so we could go to the concert on Saturday. After Brandon and I got back to my house, he downloaded Steam onto my computer, I didn't really need or want it, but whatever. All in all it was a pretty uneventful night, we sat in my room and played Left 4 Dead and The Orange Box. I love Valve, I really do. I dislike a lot of things about Left 4 Dead, but it's still the only real decent zombie game we've ever gotten. It's good to get Team Fortress 2 back, but I now suck at it all over again.
Brandon and I woke up way too early (around 9a.m.), and promptly left for Habitat for Humanity without breakfast. I had my mom's debit card with me because I was supposed to withdraw 20$ from the ATM near McDonalds, but I completely forgot about it until I got to Habitat. I called when I got there because I suddenly remembered, and she was understandably worried, no big deal, really. We went up to the 2nd floor of Habitat because that's where they keep all their clothes. We looked very homosexual picking out clothes for eachother, and I think most of the other people was in the store were very uncomfortable. After Habitat we went back to my house and dropped off the debit card. From there, we went to Fotthills Mall where absolutely NOTHING was going on. Out of boredom, we decided to go to Hasting's. We walked around browsing their movies, music, anime, manga, comic books, and whatever else we could find. I bought Black Lagoon Volume 005, which I just finished reading (it was awesome). It was free comic book day, so I snagged 10 off the rack, mostly junk, but they may be interesting (haven't gotten to any of them yet). With that all done we went to Tomato Head for lunch which was great but wiped me out as far as money went. After Tomato head, we went back to my house to sit around until my mom was ready to leave for the concert. Little did we know that our friend Nicole needed help taking some videos off of her Sony Handycam due to Windows Vista troubles, so we drove over to her place and picked up the camera then back to my house to install the software on my mom's computer. It took us a while to figure everything out, it was mostly Brandon's work, but I helped (when I wasn't lounging on the couch/bed in the room). After we finished up there we drove back to Nicole's, dropped it off, and made our plans for tomorrow. After we drove back to my house, we headed down to Market Square in Knoxville for the concert. There was a guy playing a guitar on the street in front of the parking lot, he looked pretty disheveled but he was good. We walked to Tomato Head to get an early (7 p.m.) dinner, but it was too crowded. We went to some asian restaurant instead because we thought they had sushi, unfortunately that was a different asian restaurant. I ordered a baked tofu salad which sucked because it was too much tofu and not enough salad. On top of that, they used this weird wasabi dressing which was way too hot for me. On the up side, however, there was a group of people playing African tribal music which made for good entertainment. After dinner we headed over to The Bijou to see Amos lee with Mutlu (pronounced moot loo) opening. Mutlu was great he was really funny and had a song about the "sexy, naughty side of board games", most funny use of "TRIPLE WORD SCORE" ever. Amos was great and also really funny. He looked like a zombie every time he got into the music and started dancing around. His encore took about 3 songs and 20 minutes which was the second longest encore I've ever seen (Built to Spill takes top honors for one 45 minute song as an encore). As we headed back to the car after the concert, that guy in front of the parking garage was still at it playing his heart out. He'd been playing for about 4 hours straight from what I could see, so there was no way I wasn't going to give him at least a few bucks (two to be exact).
Today was a great day. Nicole and Brandon and I went to the mall and then Hasting's where a book of sexual positions told us what the best postion was for sex on our respective birthdays. We spent about 20 minutes in the manga section conversing about nothing, then another 20 in the anime/movies section, another 20 in music/comics/toys, and another hour or so just browsing around the store aimlessly. We took Nicole home, came back to my place and dicked around doing nothing. Then I took Brandon home. After I got back I read Black Lagoon 005 and ate dinner. I've been watching House and CSI since then.
I could Write a lot more about Sunday, but I think this blog is long enough. Nicole is yelling at me on Skype as I type to publish this one, and I think I'll do just that.